Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome to college!

I am sitting here looking back on the last year at JC and I realized that I need to keep this blog up! i am taking 18 credit hours here at Winthrop University with 5 foundation art classes. I was quick to submerge myself in the art department spending more hours there then I do sleeping. My absolute favorite class is 3-D, followed by art history. I have been given a great opportunity to take an ancient Greek art class that involves a tow week trip to Greece to study the art Spring 2011.

Here are the latest 3-D projects I have done. The first is a zip tie sculpture the second and third are paper sculptures. they both worked with repetition, variety, and rhythm.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The start of my next painting. It is 30X40 canvas, so the same size as the one before that is similar. I plan on adding more colors in the water to show the movement better. I got extremely frustrated so I had to quit for the day. I am happy though with the skin colors and I feel that I have been getting better and better!

This is in chalk. I was exploring how to use mark making to show a sense of movement. One of the smaller drawings that I have done in a while.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

self portrait in my tie-dye smock!
I took things to the extremes

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another snowy day painting! This should look slightly familiar. I played with the colors but I guess the flash messed the colors up even more. I still enjoyed doing it and I am finally out of my funk!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I found this statue on my fireplace. the window was open and the light hit it perfectly. My mom was given this when her mom died. It was carved by my great aunt. All I can say is thank God for picture phones! Love you Grandma!